The e-INNO-HUB of Western Athens aims to strengthen entrepreneurship in the region and its interconnection with Research through a set of physical and electronic services.

With targeted Information actions, Seminars, Conferences, Career and Entrepreneurship Days as well as comprehensive consulting and training services, it tries to strengthen efforts to integrate and promote innovation for new and start-up companies.

The e-inno-HUB platform offers the ability to organize:

  • Training seminars and information days and exchange of ideas
  • Career and entrepreneurship days to get to know the business environment and their needs
  • “Ideas” Competitions – Innovation and Technology Marathons (Hackathons)
  • Guidance and advice in business endeavors (startups) along with educational seminars and comprehensive digital courses (e-Learning)
  • Structured and organized library of electronic materials, tools for searches in specific disciplines or activities of interest